Measurement campaign at VTI road simulator laboratory
In October 2022, VTI, RIVM and TNO are performing common measurements at the VTI road simulator facility in Linköping, Sweden. The purpose is to sample and characterize particles emitted from five tyre sets of different types. TNO is sampling different size fractions on different filter media for analyses of metals and organics as well as for characterization in SEM. Simultaneously, particle size distributions and concentrations are measured during the measurements. RIVM is sampling using two VACES biosampler systems for toxicity tests. The work package leader visited the set-up and test run of the first tyre set. The campaign will go on for approximately three weeks depending on sampled amounts.
VTI: Mats Gustafsson, Nina Svensson, Dennis Hydén (technician)
RIVM: Paul Fokkens
TNO: Peter Tromp, Johan Esveld
Ford: Marcel Mathissen